広田温泉 Hirota Onsen 柏崎市


奥の湯 湯元館
150年の歴史を持つ、越後屈指の薬湯。 自然に囲まれた場所にありますので、春夏秋冬様々な景色がご覧いただけます。 地元の食材をふんだんに使ったお料理、当館自慢の源泉かけ流し温泉等、当館の魅力をぜひ感じてみて下さい。


Its origin dates back to the late Edo period (1603-1868),and it has long been popular as a medicinal hot spring that is effective against illness and injury. It is also the only hot spring in Niigata Prefecture with a ph of over 9,which is good for beautiful skin. Because it is a mineral spring,it is rich in minerals,and the tepid water is not "warm" but "warming" hot spring. Enjoy the outdoor hot spring baths and the view of the four seasons as you relax and become one with nature.